Dudes Living Their Best Tech Life
craft coffee - stuff tech bros like

1. Craft Coffee

Tech bros and coffee go together like moths to a flame. Where there’s a tech company, there’ll be 3 to 4 coffee shops within sight. Ideally, they’d be right on the company campus.

As a tech bro though, you can’t just go to the nearest Starbucks, Coffee Bean, or Peet’s. Nope, that’s the mass market stuff white people like. You’ll be shamed into oblivion if you’re caught frequenting any of these mainstream, 2nd wave coffee shops.

For the tech bro, you either DIY your own artisanal coffee or go to a 3rd wave coffee shop. And you better know several good ones in various parts of town, cause you just might need a legit coffee spot for an ad hoc investor meeting.

And don’t worry, if you really don’t care about quality coffee, but still need a legit spot for that coffee meeting…just do Philz. They won’t be winning any barista contests, but this chain has been generally accepted by the tech community.

If you’re looking for a proper spot to impress, just make sure they have your power options like cortado, flat white, nitro cold brew, or bulletproof coffee. If they serve any of these drinks…you’re golden.

Fair warning, if you come across a vegan, dairy-free coffee shop…run.


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